Friday, March 9, 2012

Carolina Challenge CUP DC United (ugh) VS. Charleston Battery Game 6

Immediately following The Crew match was the second half of our double header DC vs Battery. As I said earlier we came down with our good friend Jay from, and he happens to be a die hard DC fan. He also can't get enough of good soccer conversation. So to get some additional insight and probably get a few jabs in he strikes up a conversation with our very own King Kev.

One of the most enjoyable things about the Carolina Cup Challenge Cup is that it is not only a preseason for the players. It is a chance for the fans to get away from the grind in preseason themselves. So it came as no surprise that the supporter sections from all clubs sat in the same general area of the stadium as a way of creating a greater feeling of collective fandom.   We may hate DC but when it boils down to it we are all fans of the same game. The passion for each of our clubs is what make it special.

With the fluff over lets get down to the game. This game is known as the Coffee Pot Cup, lame I know, but this may be the only chance this year for DC to win silverware. Well, lame is a bit harsh...because it is a tradition with a good story and that is never anything to dismiss.

According to wikipedia, the most reliable source in the universe, The Coffee Pot Cup was started by the supporters groups of each team around 2007. It was created after The Battery beat DC in the US Open Cup in 1999 in what was called the biggest upset ever. Being the sore losers that DC is, after the 4-3 overtime loss they smashed the coffee pots in the visitors locker room. The tradition goes that the losing team must fill the Coffee Pot with Guiness for the winners to drink from.

So the Crew Union joined up with The Regiment and began supporting the Battery.  This was an easy decision.  F' DC and the Battery are black and gold. Micky was the leader. We had met him earlier in the day at Madras. He wants to engage in conversation on anything soccer and Charleston. He is clearly at home. I immediately want to listen to him tell his stories.  Thankfully later that night I have the opportunity to do so in the Three Lions Bar.  But more on that later...
 It was a spirited match from the beginning. Charleston came to play but DC scored first. One of the US Supports from earlier that day at Madra Rua remains committed to the Battery showing her love via tambourine. There are cow bells (which the Cbus folk appreciate...cow town and all...Columbus Clippers ring your bell). Then Charleston scores, I think we have a game. Both teams a battling but DC looked to have a slight edge

DC scores. Twice. This sucks.  And while DC looks fairly solid for does the Battery.  Battery should have won in my opinion...but I admit my subjectivity and disdain for DC United.

However the joy of the game - watching it live - watching a fan  in his element was pretty cool.  This was jay's first time seeing DC play live.  Down along the railing with a handful of other DC faithful, I could hear his voice leading chants, totally encompassed in the game.  Joy.  That is what I imagine he was experiencing.  I mean this guy hosts his own podcast, blog, prez of QCO, and I got to witness him watching his first DC match in person.  I now hope he gets to RFK soon to sit amongst thousands of his brethren.

Then the ultimate joy for any fan... To personally be able to shake thanks and congratulate his/her team and then drink from the Cup.  

Drink Jay and Enjoy it!!!!!!!!!

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