Friday, March 9, 2012

Carolina Challenge Cup Games 7&8 :(

We had a few days two enjoy ourselves in Charleston so on Thusday we went downtown. Luckily we had a previous Charelston native to show us around and saw some really cool places. Shawn had been to Charleston several times before and had not seen that part of Charleston with all of the courtyards. Thanks Stephanie! Also it was never a dull moment because Shawn and Jay learned that everything is better sung as a soccer chant.

On Friday our crew had finally all arrived. George, Andrew and Ethan all were there by Friday around 10:00am. This gave us the day to hang out at the beach house. We spent the morning drinking on the beach and kicking the ball around. Unfortunatly the rain came in the early after noon so we packed it up, went back to the house and had an oyster roast. We went to bed early to get some rest for the much anticipated match between Columbus Crew and DC United.

Saturday morning began with Quiche and mimosa's. After a siesta we were off to the match. The only down side was it was still raining and there was no sign of it letting up. After a stop for some ponchos and beer, we met up with Mikey and the Regement who graciously offered to share their cover with us. We share beer, stories, and hotdogs before we got word that the games were cancelled.

Not good news, as George put it "I never thought I would not be able to see a game. I always thought that if I bought a ticket then i would get to see the match." Well put I think; we all shared that belief. Starting the 25 match challenge, that never crossed our minds but less than half way through we come face to face with mother nature.  The fact is preseason + thunderstorms = not worth the risk of injury and destruction of pitch.

The day did get better when the Battery invited us back up to The Three Lions Pub.  Score.  
Add this to the list of bars we are not supposed to be in at football grounds...yet gain access. When we walked into this pub we couldn't believe our eyes.
Check out the stitching in this world cup ball

1966 World Cup signed Jersey

2002 World Cup Signed Jersey

Bobby Moore and Pele
The memorabilia trumps that which you see on the tour of Wembley. I mean we are talking decades of CL finals memorabilia....yet compared to the loot at Three Lons, it looks more like a book report thrown together at the last minute by a slacker 10th grader.  Sorry but it is true.

I want to shake the hand of the person or persons behind this glorious homage to the game.  I look at those sitting, eating, drinking, conversing...those who consider this a local hangout..and I wonder how one can sit and not simply walk  slowly, mouth agape, at stuff we'd heard about but never seen. Scarf room is impressive, a classy presentation no doubt.  But the jersey of Fulham v West Ham FA Cup Final from 1975 at Wembley impressive!!!!  FIFA embossed prints from every world cup? Pictures, cleats, jerseys, pennants, soccer balls.  Ones with laces..from the 1950s.   And this description doesn't even do it justice.

Put it on your list of soccer pilgrimages.

We were first up here on Wednesday and took the opportunity to talk to Mikey and had him explain what the Battery and The Regiment was about. Charleston Battery is the longest running football club without a break, in the United States. The Battery also have the first soccer specific stadium built...Mikey also acknowledges that while first built, Crew stadium hosted the first match. A bit of Cbus pride I admit.

Up in the Three Lions Pub we steal Mickey away and he pointed out the unique items that only a veteran of the bar would be able to put into context.  We, who were just experiencing this for the first time, are in too much awe to really see everything.

Mikey is a class act.  He is joyful about the game, his beloved Battery, the city of Charleston, and perhaps even more impressively the  people who make up the Battery fanbase. He has lived all over. Military. Lived in England with his English wife for four years. Chelsea fan...but because I know him as a Battery fan first...I push this fact out of my mind.

Charleston has a soccer community. On Thursday nights the over 35, over 44, and over 55s meet to play...full leagues.  Managers, fair draws for teams, and this is in each age bracket.  Former players come to retire in Charleston. Mikey says that years ago as pros these players would be frustrated and not play with the unpredictable novices...but here if you have the guts to show up, you will have the moral and technical support of ex pros.

Then they all congregate in Three Lions Pub to have a beer and catch up.
Madras opens for all matches...even the early ones that sub-par non-descript sports bars that only open at 11... No matter what match is on hand.

It is evident that it is a family. Mikey and the communities friend Andy, English expat... we hear the story of when Andy's house burnt down and the next day he was greeted at soccer practice with donations from the Battery - Regiment family plus meals, dollars, and friendship that carried Andy and his family through some of the most difficult days of their lives.  

While George, Andrew, and Ethan...(and us again) marveled at the contents of Three Lions Pub, we enjoyed some beer and food.  Good conversation with fellow soccer fans, many who had travelled from Ohio, DC, and Chicago for the matches.  We also met a fan with a DC jersey and a Crew jacket.  Apparently he supports both teams and lives in Charlotte.  I feel it is only appropriate that we use our shared locale to push him in the right direction: Crew.  It raises an interesting debate at our table, Can you have two clubs in the same league and be a 'real' fan of both?   Of course this requires a definition of 'real fan'...and that is for another day, another post or eight.  What are your thoughts?  No doubt they will cause a stir for someone.  

We eventually leave Three Lions Pub.  We get outside and look around at each other to see if all that really happened.  Did we all just have pints and great conversation while sitting among the greatest collection of soccer memorabilia yet seen by our humble eyes?  Yep.  

There was only one thing left to do, break out into song:
                         .....jazz hands

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